Sheet Summary: View or Edit Your Project Summary Data

This template set utilizes the sheet summary feature. The Project Plan sheet includes a pre-populated sheet summary that provides a standard, robust way to organize and report on project information in your sheet. Here you can see a quick recap of the status of tasks and the count of those at risk. Open the sheet summary on the right panel to view or edit your project summary fields. You can use formulas and reference other summary fields.
Hover over each step to view a walk-through
Click the sheet summary icon to expand the sheet summary. You can expand and collapse the right panel to stay in the context of your sheet or maximize your sheet real estate when you don't need to view it.
To add fields, click + New Field.
Name your field and select the field type: Text/Number, Contact list, Date, Dropdown list, Checkbox, or Symbols.
To edit the field properties, hover over the right side of the field and click on the vertical ellipsis (...) to open the field options dropdown menu.
Learn More:
Define Your Work with Sheet Summary
Maximize your Sheet Summary Usage
Create a Portfolio View with a Summary Report