Project Portfolio Rollup Dashboard

The Project Portfolio Dashboard is the information hub for all of the Projects you are tracking. Dashboards are made of different widgets that pull in real-time information from your sheets and reports.
Hover over each step to view a walk-through
Click Edit Dashboard (pencil icon) in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard to begin customizing. Hover your mouse over any widget and double click to start modifying the widget and its contents.
Project Title is a Title widget. Double click on it and edit if desired.
The Logo Placeholder is an Image widget and can be replaced with your company logo.
The form at the bottom is a web content widget. Edit the widget to point to the Project Intake Form. In the widget’s edit menu, select title, and then deselect “show title” to hide the text above the form. In the widget’s edit menu, select title, and then deselect “show title” to hide the text above the form.
Active Projects is a Report widget, which displays live reports in your dashboard.