Monitor the Individual Project with the Project Tracking and Rollup Dashboard

The Project Tracking and Rollup dashboard is the keystone for each project. It pulls together all of the critical project information you need to track.
Dashboards are made of different widgets that pull in real-time information from your sheets and reports.
Hover over each step to view a walk-through
Click Edit (pencil icon) in the upper right corner of the dashboard to begin customizing. Hover your mouse over any widget and double click start modifying the widget and its contents.
The Project Information widget is a Metric widget that summarizes key data about the project from the Project Plan sheet.
Link to Resources is a Shortcut widget that you can use to link sheets, reports, and other resources that reside in or outside of Smartsheet.
The Project Contacts pulls in from the underlying sheets with information about the project team.
The rest of the information on the dashboard is populated by the aggregate of underlying sheets and reports. Each time a new project is spun up using the guidelines above, the widgets will update automatically and display information that is project and site specific.
Learn More:
Make Changes to an Existing Dashboard
Viewing and Sharing a Dashboard
Widget Types for Smartsheet Dashboards